Monday, January 19, 2009

stellar existentialism

Matthew Fox on celebrity activism:

Up to this point I’ve made a conscious choice not to do that. To be quite honest with you, I’m a little reticent to step into that whole thing. This isn't knocking anybody. If they make a positive change, then that's great. I'm just not sure that I feel that I have... the right to...

I'm an actor. I try to play a character in a really cool story, the very best I can. And somehow or other that does make people very interested in what I have to say. ... I don’t think that's my place. Sometimes people look to others for answers they can find within themselves. I don't really want the responsibility of being the guy they look to.

Italics mine.

If you're using some star's life as an ethical blueprint for your own, you've got problems.


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