Monday, February 23, 2009

"la vedette du petit écran"

Over at the Marmot's Hole, Koreablogging deity Robert Koehler notes that Korean TV star Ida Daussy-- a Frenchwoman who became a naturalized Korean-- is getting divorced. Knowing nothing about Mme. Daussy apart from her divorce, I looked her up on YouTube and found this very interesting French-language interview between her and two very metro French dudes. If you speak French, you might enjoy it. If you want a summary (or even a translation), please tell me in the comments. If you'd like to be the one to do the summary or translation, feel free to go ahead and do so in the comments.

(Pronounce her name "Ee-dah Doh-see.")



Anonymous said...

For the longest time I thought her name was "Yi Da-do" with the -ssi suffix slapped onto the end.

It's too bad she's getting divorced, although I must admit the woman annoys me to no end.

Kevin Kim said...

Yeah, I read some comments over at the Marmot's Hole about how she apparently spent a lot of time on Korean TV trumpeting the superiority of French culture. I love the French, but come on.
