Sunday, July 13, 2008

afternoon worship

My final full day at the Peace House included the attendance of the 4PM Peace Vigil (I was a bit late for that, as I'd been out running errands) and the 4:30PM service, which offered me the chance to meet some new folks. Tonight, I'll be squaring things away; tomorrow, I'll attend the 7:20AM prayer service and will likely leave in the early afternoon, once the BlackBerry has arrived by FedEx. Because a large group is arriving at the Peace House tomorrow and will likely need my room, I'll vacate the room and leave my backpack somewhere on the grounds but out of the way.

It's been a great week of rest and recuperation, as well as a great chance not only to meet new folks but also to get a feel for a different religious rhythm than the ones I'm familiar with. My sincere thanks to the Metanoia community.


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