Friday, August 22, 2008

Olympic naughtiness

I'm heading out rather late this morning, but wanted to note this hilarious article about Olympic athletes gettin' it on. The remarks about British behavior during the Seoul Olympics (1988) had me chuckling.



Anonymous said...

Kevin, and speaking of THAT subject, and not to embarass you, and if you don't want to post this, i understand, but don't you miss physical intimacy out there on the roaad?

Omandazzzler said...

you read digg too?!?!?!?!?!

Kevin Kim said...


I don't read Digg, though maybe I should, eh? Maybe I should slap one of those "Digg this!" buttons on the blog so people can start Digg-ing the posts here (not that the posts are particularly profound or Digg-worthy, but still...).


I have a very, very independent streak whose side effect is a general lack of a need for physical (and emotional) intimacy. A long time ago, I saw myself getting married, having kids, and enjoying life as a husband and father. But in recent years, especially as I got to know myself better, I began to realize that I'm not really that type of person. I've watched close friends get married, deal with spouse and in-law issues (most it falling under the category of Unnecessary Conflict), then pouring what energy remains to them into child-rearing. I respect and admire my friends for being able to do this, and I mostly believe them when they say they're basically happy. But for me... I'm pretty sure such a life would start out great and then turn into a hellish Gulag, and it wouldn't be my spouse's fault.

Of course, I'm open to revising this stance if I find the right lady. Who knows, right? Time changes people; perhaps as I get older I'll mellow out and start actively seeking a companion for the road of life.


Anonymous said...
