Wednesday, December 17, 2008

not a real man

I plan on making quiche for lunch. We'll see how that goes. I've got eggs, cheese, bacon, spinach, mushrooms, and onions (or in my case, dried onions, because I'm not a huge fan of onions in my food), and premade pie crusts. Gotta find a decent online recipe for quiche now.



melancholy donut said...

ooh. i havent had quiche in ages! sounds decadent... i cant remember, was that a book? real mean dont eat quiche. do tell if you found a good recipe.

do you hate onions that are cooked to death? bc i add them to everything. love onions.

Kevin Kim said...

I'm not a fan of onions in general, but I'll tolerate them in certain foods, especially Korean food, where they usually are cooked to death (such as in a jjigae).

I hate onions on hamburger and in pizza. I can take onions in other Western dishes if they're minced up nice and tiny; it's not the flavor that bothers me as much as a combination of flavor and texture.

I used to hate onions in Big Macs, but now I don't mind them. Still have trouble with the larger onions in Whoppers.

Strangely enough, I don't mind onions in my jjajang-myeon, and have no trouble with the fact that onions are an integral component of salsa. Who knows what's going on in my head?
