Friday, October 9, 2009

awake but not up

I checked on Mom about a half-hour ago. She was awake, but still in bed. That's a good thing: what's scary is when Mom tries to get out of bed by herself, without her helmet on.

Dad's already back from his dental appointment; he plans to go out shopping again, but is waiting to help Mom out of bed to get her day started.

I spent my night downstairs alternately coughing and spraying all the areas I've inhabited with Lysol. I still wear my mask, for fear of giving anyone else whatever I have. With Mom still in bed and me still sick, I'm going to put myself down for a bit longer, then take care of lunch for Dad.

Bleh. It's a lovely day outside. I should be tarping over the weeds and mowing the rest of the lawn.


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