Tuesday, April 15, 2008

this may be in poor taste, but...

Folks who don't know me might not be acquainted with my sick sense of humor.

Time to get acquainted.

The biggest, baddest English-language Koreablog, the Marmot's Hole, is currently hosting a YouTube video of the torch-lighting moment of the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Robert Koehler, the Hole's founder and the writer of the post in question, remarks apropos of this video:

"Why the release of the doves was discontinued after the 1988 Olympic Games..."

Enjoy the sight of sizzling birds. I know my brother David, who's as sick as I am, will get a kick out of this. For me, the humor of the video lies in the buildup: the booming announcements about the torchbearers in three languages, the grand, sweeping music that served as a background to the runners who took the torch on its final lap around the stadium, the slow rise of the platform that brought three torchbearers level with the lip of the Olympic Flame... the doves perched so innocently atop the Flame's tower, unaware of what was about to transpire, and then...

This is what it tastes like when doves fry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

