Sunday, April 13, 2008

was denken Sie?

Do you think this is good advice on how to raise boys?



Anonymous said...

I don't have any sons, but having been raised as a son with two brothers (which I think is something we have in common, no?), I can say that for the most part the advice sounds reasonable. Except for the last part. I'm not sure what age group they're talking about, but you just can't reason with small children. It's not that children are incapable of reason, but at a young age they have not yet been conditioned to value reason over other drives, such as the desire to get one's way at all costs (then again, some people never take to this conditioning very well).

I don't know, maybe it's just the way I was raised. Our father never reasoned with us, unless "reason" was his pet name for his belt. If that is the case, then I would say he reasoned with us a lot, primarily with our backsides.

Strangely enough, we all turned out to be more or less normal people.

Kevin Kim said...

I agree: some parents these days make a fetish out of reason. Meanwhile, their kids are screaming and out of control. "Oh, they'll grow out of it," these parents say. Yeah... but they'd grow out of it sooner if the parents took some physical initiative.

"Strangely enough, we all turned out to be more or less normal people."

You know the old saying: Everyone is normal until you get to know them.
