Wednesday, March 18, 2009

a-theos discourse

Reader and blogger Brian emails me a link to a blog called The Friendly Atheist, which has a post about Ellery Schempp, who "played a major role in getting forced prayer out of public schools." Schempp is on a speaking tour in the "Virginia/DC" area.

If anyone in the area is interested in checking this out, I might be motivated to go, too. In looking at Schempp's lecture schedule, I'm thinking that my best bet is the talk to be given at George Mason University on April 2. GMU is both easier to park at than George Washington University (a DC campus without any actual grounds of its own; it's basically a clump of buildings, and students have to dodge traffic like everyone else), and more pleasant to drive to. The other problem with the GWU lecture is that it's on April 6, my parents' anniversary. I plan to be home that day, or doing something with the folks.

The George Mason U. talk on April 2 will be happening from 7PM to 9PM at JC Meeting Room F (JC = Jesus Christ?). The April 1 talk at American U. (a DC university that does have its own campus grounds) also looks interesting, as the topic will be on "Patriotism and Separation of Church and State."

If you're in the area and interested in attending one of Schempp's talks, gimme a holler.


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