Monday, May 18, 2009


Many thanks to the ladies who came over to visit Mom today, as well as to the folks at NALC who sent Mom a lovely fruit basket, which arrived today in the early afternoon.



John McCrarey said...

So Kevin, NALC is what? National Association of Letter Carriers? If so, what's the connection.

As a former letter carrier and member of that particular postal union, I'm curious.

Glad to hear your mom is doing better than might have been expected given the circumstances and I hope she surprises with her tolerance to the treatments. She appears to be made of sturdy stuff and as long as she keeps the will to fight, she's in the game.

You hang tough too, Kevin. I know this is tougher on you than you let on here.

Kevin Kim said...

Yes, exactly: National Association of Letter Carriers. Mom worked at the national office in DC (1st and C Street, by the Capitol) from about 1980 to last year. I did temp work there twice back when I was a teen in college. Mom worked in the Finance Department, primarily Accounts Payable. While at NALC, Mom was part of a smaller union called OPEIU, sort of a "union within a union" arrangement inside the walls of NALC.

Thanks for your well-wishes regarding Mom and her fight. I often hope she truly understands what all this hoopla going on around her is about, but I'm not always sure she's made the logical connection. That, right there, is the most painful aspect of all this.


John McCrarey said...

Interesting. Small world after all. I spent many hours in that building in the 1990's when I was on the USPS negotiations team. It was always a strange feeling going up against my old compadres.

Vince Sombrotto and Bill Young were tough cookies across the bargaining table, but were good guys when we hit the bar afterwards.

Hang in there.