Thursday, June 12, 2008

on my way to Bothell

I've just been to a UPS branch where I dropped off ten pounds' worth of unnecessary possessions. Damn, what a difference ten pounds makes! So I'm shouldering only fifty pounds now, and I already feel much lighter on my feet.

Big shout-out to employees Jack and Joe, as well as to school bus driver Mike (another UPS customer), who all gave kind words of encouragement and asked questions about the walk. They've got the blog's URL now, so here's hoping they spread the word!

[I joked that my mother, who has worked many years at a postal workers' union office, will kill me for using UPS.]

Am walking to Bothell (I learned a few days ago that it's pronounced "BAH-th'll," not "buh-THELL," which is what I wanted to say), then officially heading into Seattle on Friday, where I'll be staying at Choboji, a Zen temple in the Soto Rinzai Zen tradition.

And lastly: sometime today, I'll finally break the 100-mile mark. Only about 2900 more miles to go!

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Anonymous said...

That's if you go in a pretty straight line.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Choboji is Rinzai.

melancholy donut said...

its so nice to read that some connections have already been made in the first 100 miles!

what are a few things you sent back?

Kevin Kim said...


I sent back a large book, some underwear and shirts, some superfluous paperwork, and my boots, which suck.
