Thursday, May 22, 2008

final shopping day today

I won't be able to get contact lenses (we tried at Costco, but they said they'd have to do a followup on me in over a week's time), but I'll be buying a groundsheet and a Blackberry today, then putting all my items together and seeing how everything fits into the pack. Tomorrow: the Big Walk. I'm giving my toes a rest today, but tomorrow I'm going to try the 21.36-mile walk with new footwear-- either my new boots or my new New Balance walking shoes. Come to think of it, I might do half the walk with one pair and half with the other. Once I'm back home, I'll camp in the back yard, and we'll see how that goes. Can't guarantee I'll be giving you a full report of the experience, as we're getting down to the wire, but I'll blog what I can.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dew your final report from your blackberry.

wear moleskin for your toesy-woezyies?

Test your SPOT during your walk and/or in the backyard.