Sunday, June 22, 2008

belated shout-out to Edgar and Tammy

Yesterday, somewhere close to Lakewood, I passed a bus stop where two people, a man and a woman, were waiting. The man commented that I looked like I was going on a long trip, which gave me a chance to explain what I've been doing.

Turns out the man's name was Edgar; the woman's was Tammy, and they didn't know each other. Edgar was a cheerful nut; he told me about his various motorcycle accidents and about how his right knee was, as a result, filled with screws.

Tammy was quieter; she listened to Edgar's motorcycle war stories and told me to be careful. I thanked them both for the chance to talk with them and went on my way, kicking myself later on for not having taken their picture or given them my blog's URL. They won't see this tribute, alas, but they get the shout-out all the same.


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