Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama haiku

Barack Obama
leaps upon the bucking steed
charges into dawn

crossing the threshold
will Obama lead us to
some sweet Promised Land?

now, a different race--
not as white as some would like...
but more like the world

if, on BSG,
admirals can be Latin...
(do you catch my drift?)

but remember this:
in the end, he's just a man
--fallible. Prepare.



Anonymous said...

Mmmm... linked haiku...

Anonymous said...

That's actually how haiku developed: as links in a longer form, called renge.

melancholy donut said...

i didnt know about renge. the things you learn in the comments section. i wish blogger had some sort of "latest comments received thingy" option that bloggers can add to their homepages. it sure is helpful to me on other non blogger.com pages. cant have everything...