Friday, September 12, 2008

the blogroll lengthens

I've added a long list of "old haunts" from a previous life to the sidebar using a new "blog list" function, another gadget offered by Blogger. The blogs at the top of the list are the ones most recently updated. Infrequently updated blogs will generally fall lower on the list. Where a blog appears on the list has, of course, no relation to its quality. In fact, when it comes to blogging, quantity and quality are usually inversely proportional to each other. Logorrhea doesn't always translate into Shakespearean eloquence.

The list consists of Koreablogs, Japanblogs, Chinablogs, and other blogs reflecting all manner of interests and persuasions (religious, political, etc.). Go give them all a visit and get to know some fascinating people.

NB: Some blogs on the list aren't equipped with feeds, which means you'll never know they've been updated. Because the blogroll is organized according to the "most recently updated" criterion, it's possible they'll fall to the bottom. Be sure to check those blogs periodically; their position at the bottom of the list doesn't mean they haven't been updated.

One more list on the way-- blogs of people I've met on this Walk. After that, I can start to focus on transcription.


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