Tuesday, September 9, 2008

lost in digital hell

Last night, I had written a post that recounted Monday's adventures-- (1) talking with Adam Kirtley, Coordinator of Religious and Spiritual Life at Whitman College, about doing a talk at the first of Adam's "SpiritualiTea" events for this semester; (2) meeting with my new CouchSurfing host Mechelle, who drove me to her place to show me my digs; (3) meeting Some Random Dude on Whitman's campus grounds and asking him about the pull-along bike stroller he was using (cost = approx. $500); (4) finalizing arrangements with Pastor Bigger, the Walla Walla U. pastor I'll be meeting on Thursday...

...but the post was eaten by the ravenous hellhounds of cyberspace, and that's why you're getting the stripped-down version of it this morning.



Anonymous said...

At Academy.com you can find the InSTEP Take 2 Bike Trailer for $100. It holds two screaming kids or 100 lbs. It is also available elsewhere for about $10 more.

BicycleTrailers.com has a large assortment of trailers as well. Some that even allow you to push your pack along in front of you like you are pushing a kid or two. That might be your best bet, and it might also help take some of the pressure off your knee.

John, no longer in Daejeon

Kevin Kim said...


Thanks, and I hope all's well.
