Thursday, June 11, 2009

just a quick note before dinner

Sean got to the hospital around 1:30 and stayed as late as he could, until about 3PM. He had a wedding gig that started at 5PM, and needed to get a head start on traffic to leave himself time to set up on site. I got to the ICU around 2:20PM and stayed until about 6:20. David arrived around 6:10, and Pastor Jeri arrived soon after. Dad must have arrived at the ICU (I assume he got the new Belfort table) while I was out; I got a text message from David saying that Dad had come.

Mom's face is puffy, but the nurses assure me that she looks a heck of a lot better than many other patients who come out of similar surgeries. Her cranial drainage is far slower than it was yesterday, and her blood counts appear OK, as do her vitals. Her heart rate is no longer as elevated as it had been yesterday, when it was over 100.

Mom vocalized a number of times, and was able to muster some smiles and weak laughter. I sternly noted that she was doing this for everyone else but me, and she smiled. Some of her vocalizations-- such as her greetings to a nurse and to Pastor Jeri-- were remarkably strong, said in a clear voice.

No indication, yet, as to when Mom will be moved out of the ICU, but as before, I'd actually prefer that she remain there as long as possible. Her head and leg dressings showed some clear ooze, but this is normal, and it's apparently up to the surgeons to redo those dressings as needed, given Mom's delicate condition (when hasn't it been delicate?).

There's more to say, but we're shipping out to dinner now-- Dad, David, and I.


1 comment:

Jelly said...

Kevin - hi!
I've been following your updates and thinking positive thoughts for you your mom and family. I find it amazing how life can change so drastically and suddenly. I hope your mom recovers well and the rest of you take care of yourselves. I want to comment more often but sometimes I don't know what to say. I think I'd like to give your hand a squeeze and your shoulders a hug. So often, my thoughts are of your family.