Tuesday, July 21, 2009

in and out; much French was spoken

The trip to radiotherapy was quick; we arrived at 1:40 for Mom's 2PM appointment and were done by 2, but we lingered a bit: Dad had met a lady whose late husband was French, and who wanted to speak French with me after Dad mentioned that I speak the language. We had a great conversation about her hubby, a World War II vet whose ashes were going to be interred in France. We talked about Mom's and the lady's respective cancers, and even compared travel notes. It's always a plus when I can practice French with someone; I so rarely have the chance to speak it. It's a beautiful language, and I sometimes wish I had plunged more deeply into its study.

We're home now, but Dad went out again to do some shopping errands. It's been a full day for Mom; she could use a quiet afternoon and evening. Right now, my main concern is to persuade her to drink more water: she's been a bit dehydrated over the past 48 hours.

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that we're putting the new ramp to good use. As Mom's legs have gotten weaker, we've found it more convenient to wheel her out to the van and back. We started doing this yesterday, and we did it again today. My thanks, again, to the MVPC and Home Depot folks who labored all day to construct the ramp.


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