Monday, September 15, 2008

allez, debout!

Sometime during my "nap" from about 8:45 to 3:30PM, I developed a massive cramp in my left calf. That got my attention. I painfully slid myself along the floor and pressed my foot against the wall until the calf muscle had begun to stretch, and stayed in that position until everything had relaxed and the pain had subsided.

Then I went back to sleep.

Dad called twice-- once just before I went to sleep and once while I was sleeping. He updated me on the state of the home renovation project and told me about his upcoming car rental and flight arrangements. Unfortunately, he won't be able to drop the car in Boise: he'll have to drive it back to Walla Walla. Too bad: gas is expensive, and it's going to mean using most of a tank of gas for the return trip, then filling the tank back up just before dropping the car off. I guess, though, that this arrangement is still cheaper than driving out here from Virginia with his own minivan.

I'm up now; I need to do laundry for tomorrow's talk, and still have to finish the transcription. Am feeling fairly rested and focused again, unlike this morning when everything was turning into a blur. I did enjoy my breakfast at the Prentiss Dining Hall, though: all you can eat for seven bucks. That was my lone meal for the day; gotta cut back on food both for dietary reasons and because money is now tight. When you have a large, steady cashflow, as I had while working in Korea, you don't worry so much about the little purchases that nickel-and-dime you; but those nibbles can turn deadly after a while if you've got no income.

So I wrote my buddy Tom, who lives in Korea, about some possible proofreading work; he says he'll look out for me. It's the perfect work for a guy with a bum knee and a WiFi connection, after all: it's just a matter of finding a wall socket for the laptop's power cord and getting a decent signal for email. Here's hoping some work finds its way to me.

Right-- time to get a move on.



Britt Elizabeth Verstegen said...

Those type of cramps in the leg are extremely painful! I was raised to call them a "charlie horse" though I have yet to meet Charlie and his alleged horse. In my case, leg cramps occur when I am under extreme stress and have over-extended my calf muscle during sleep. The source of unfailingly accurate information -- I speak of Wikipedia, of course :-) -- states these are also known as lårhøne or "thigh hen" in Norway; good thing, too, as leg cramping renders me as helpless as a thing hen stripped of her feathers and ready for the chopping block.

You under any stress, Kid?

Bless your father for his support. Nothin' says love like a FedEx package of pain meds. Seriously, he could have gone with First Class and made you suffer an extra few days to save a buck. Your father obviously loves you very much.

Kevin Kim said...


As an airline employee, Dad gets a 75% discount on FedEx shipments. He's retired now, but he still gets the benefit. Which is nice when you need something expedited.


Britt Elizabeth Verstegen said...

Well, bless him for that 25%, ha-ha.