Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I've long meant to blogroll this wonderful Koreablog here at Kevin's Walk. This post, about a Western guy doing a scaled-down version of the Korean jaesa (ancestor-tribute) ritual for his mother, who passed away three years ago, is both touching and a window into how people of two cultures might interface, finding something in the other's culture that fills a need not filled by one's own.



Britt Elizabeth Verstegen said...

Thank you for sharing this with us, Kevin. I love the plaintive, unapologetic language he uses when describing his personal Jesa. It is an honest and loving post. I am happy his self-styled Jesa calmed his heart.

Roboseyo said...

Hi, Kevin. Thanks for the props and the kind write-up. Not that it matters to what goes on between me and mom, but I'm glad that other readers have found it edifying, too: it makes me glad I hit the publish button instead of the delete one.

Take care.